Tag: siding replacement

Your siding plays a key role in protecting your home from the elements and maintaining a comfortable temperature inside your living space. In today’s post, Vinylume discusses four common mistakes homeowners make when replacing their siding and explains how to...
Of the various siding materials available today, vinyl remains one of the popular options for homeowners. It performs better than other materials in many ways, and Vinylume explains them further.
Siding replacement is one of the ideal ways to add color to your home. New siding can also improve indoor comfort and protection against the elements. If you’re planning a siding replacement today, it helps if you prepare your home...
With your home’s curb appeal at stake, picking the perfect color for your exteriors is paramount. Color-choosing may seem the most basic task, but it’s surprisingly challenging. As the authority in home improvement in the Constitution State, Vinylume knows how...
HomeAdvisor published their 2016 True Cost Report recently. It stated that remodeling projects are among the most popular home improvements in 2016, alongside home security improvements and pest control. It is indeed a great year for homeowners to start planning...
Vinyl is a tough material that strengthens your home’s structure and spares you from costly and time-consuming siding maintenance tasks. Beyond function, the color of vinyl siding affects how a house looks like. An attractive color combination will be beneficial...