Tag: siding installation

Your siding plays a key role in protecting your home from the elements and maintaining a comfortable temperature inside your living space. In today’s post, Vinylume discusses four common mistakes homeowners make when replacing their siding and explains how to...
Many industry leaders are focusing their efforts in developing and manufacturing environment-friendly products and for good reason. With the gradual decline of our natural resources, going for sustainable products is a smart thing to do.
Like your roof, your siding has a finite life span. Constant exposure to the harsh climate conditions can wear it down and make your home vulnerable to the effects of the elements.
Siding replacement is one of the ideal ways to add color to your home. New siding can also improve indoor comfort and protection against the elements. If you’re planning a siding replacement today, it helps if you prepare your home...
A major home improvement project is a big investment, and having a good, solid warranty can save you money should problems arise. There are typically two kinds of warranty available: material and workmanship. Material warranty covers problems that may arise...