Stamford, CT, & Fairfield and Westchester County’s Roofer With The Longest BBB-Accreditation & Highest Rating
We’ve Been Accredited With The Connecticut BBB Since 1985 & Hold A Perfect “A+” Rating.
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is one of your best resources if you’re researching roofing and siding contractors in Fairfield and Westchester Counties. The BBB’s website has an abundance of information on companies in the area and grades them on a scale of A+ to F based on 16 distinct attributes (including honesty, service, and quality of work).
We are accredited with the BBB and have maintained an A+ rating for over 30 years. If you’d like to see for yourself why we have an “A+” rating, click on our official BBB page. (Note: the BBB's website will open in a separate window, and the page includes our former company name, Vinylume, Inc.)
Important observations regarding the BBB’s accreditation and grading criteria:
BBB Accreditation
BBB-accredited businesses must meet the standards required by the BBB Code of Business Practices. Accredited businesses are committed to the following practices:
- Building Trust.
- Truthful Advertising.
- Honesty.
- Transparency.
- Honoring Promises.
- Being Responsive.
- Safeguarding Customer Privacy.
- Embodying Integrity.
BBB Grading
A company’s BBB rating is based on 16 criteria, including how long they have been in business, the number of complaints customers have filed with the BBB, and supplying adequate background information about their business.
You can read more about the BBB’s ratings criteria on their website. The important thing to remember is that for a company to maintain an “A+” rating like we do, it must be BBB-accredited, have ZERO customer complaints, and pass all 16 of the BBB’s evaluation criteria.
If you need roofing or siding installation in Stamford, CT or Fairfield and Westchester Counties, contact us for a free, no-obligation estimate. We would love to hear from you!
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