4 Roofing Tips for New Homeowners

If you’ve just recently bought your new home, congratulations! You should know right off the bat that being a homeowner has its unique set of responsibilities, such as making sure your siding and roofing are in good shape.
Having worked for many homeowners, and being homeowners ourselves, here are some roofing tips that can help you get the most out of your roof.
Have Your Roof Inspected Professionally – A home typically undergoes inspection before it is sold, but often the house inspector might not take a detailed look into the roof’s condition. That’s not saying that you might have bought a home with roofing problems, but rather you should know the actual condition of your roof. You should be particularly aware of its expected lifespan, as well as warranty coverage, if the original warranty is transferable.
Schedule a Contractor for Preventive Maintenance – Once you have your roof inspected, follow through by hiring a roofing contractor to conduct preventive maintenance after every two or three years. Not only does it help keep you abreast of your roof’s condition and anticipate potential problems but it also helps you plan when your next roof replacement will be. Hiring a roofing contractor who also knows vinyl siding can be very convenient when it’s time to have your siding replaced.
Learn How to Inspect Your Roof – You will also need to do simple visual inspections every six months. These inspections are simple and can be done using a pair of binoculars, or even a remote-controlled drone, if you have one. You’re not required to do any repair work, however if you notice damage, leaks, or any issues that might require repairs, you’ll need to call your roofing contractor before the problem gets worse.
Learn About Roofing Options – Eventually, you will have to replace your roof. It pays to familiarize yourself with roofing options: roofing materials, shapes and the components that make up every roof. By knowing your roofing options, you can make informed decisions and choose options that fit your wants and needs.
To learn more about our roofing and vinyl siding services, call Signature Exteriors today at (866) 244-8029. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule a free quote. We serve homeowners in Connecticut and surrounding areas.